Friday, December 25, 2009

oh bertenang..

hei gei guys!
walaweh..long time no visit on my own blog, muahahaha!

tertekan! haha, asal tertekan je bru aku cri blog aku ni..
ho la, sal aku nak mengadu domba di sni.nobody willing to lend me their shoulders, sob sob~
i unable to attend my friend marriage today, its so regretful. but how, i just couldn't go!!!
alor star from ipoh, for me its too parent wont allow me to drive there of course, by the way, i'm short of budget..blame me, blame me. no wonder nanti kenduri aku nanti takde sape nak mai. ceh!

then aku geram dgn cencorot yg selalu merajakan diri apabila di malam hri di rumah aku. mau terkejut cipan aku dibuatnye bile masuk2 bilik air kuar mahkluk itam bermisai berekor panjg, lari laju2 depan aku, cial lorr...nasib aku tak sembam jatuh, geramnye, geramnyer!!i kill u, kill u~~ <-- nada lagu soko =)

ikutkan byk bende nak digeramkan, tp..kalau aku ikutkan sakit...walaweh...bole kene blood pressure di usia muda ni..i must learn to cool down n control my emotion, yeah, i'm kewl, yuck~

haishh...pls, more tense is coming...pekakkan telinga, kosongkan minda..tutupkan mata...ZZZZZzzz.... =)


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hey, i'm a newbie!

dis is just a dull blog of mine. just wanna share anything that can be shared here. hope u guys welcome me as a new blogger n i begging for guide n attention, lots of love. i really miss someone who already missing far away from my life. pls God, send him to me..